There are many emotions that one has when moving, for me it’s pure excitement.  I absolutely LOVE moving.  In fact, when I sat down to write this blog, I hadn’t realized that I’ve been moving almost every 3-5 years for the past 20 years.  It took a little longer than I had expected to move into our current home, and Frank is thankful that our moving days are behind us (for now) as I’ve finally achieved that illusive suburban trifecta that I have been searching for…perfect house, in a great neighborhood with amazing schools…THANK YOU ERIN BAKER!

The one area of anxiety that I do have when moving, is choosing the right colors.  I am horrible at making a decision when there are too many options, and there are just too many options of floor stains and paint colors.  I prefer to have someone else narrow down the choices before making the final selection.  The re-staining of the floors and choosing the right color is fairly easy.  I simply let Frank choose.  This year Korben helped out and gave his stamp of approval on which stain would be selected.


Selecting paint colors is hard.  I dread looking through numerous paint chips, purchasing samples to try out on the walls, and never having the full confidence that the colors will ultimately go together with our current furnishings, the floor stain and with the connecting rooms.


Thankfully, not only did Erin help me find this house, but she also connected me with Pia Rivera who is the owner of Violet Interior Designs.  Pia normally takes on clients who have large scale projects (renovations, extensions, redesigning/redecorating rooms), though she just returned from maternity leave and was willing to work with me as a color consultant.  Pia met with Frank and I, took pictures of our existing furniture and discussed what our likes and dislikes were.  Within an hour, she knew exactly what we wanted and was able to select the paint colors that we would use throughout our new house.   A few days later, Pia sent along a reference guide that we gave to our painter. The perfect no stress way of of choosing just the “right” colors for our new home.


I love the color selection (below are some before and after pics) that Pia provided and after we’ve settled and lived in the house for awhile, I’ll definitely be calling on Pia to help in the next phase…redoing our living room.



More Information About Violet Interior Design:


VIDI is a multi-faceted interior design company in which creative and technical solutions are applied to achieve a functional and aesthetically pleasing living environment from the ground up. The style feeling is both transitional and eclectic with the focus on ageless design. Responsible for developing plans and designs for the interiors of both residential and commercial spaces based on the needs of the client. Development of architectural drawings, presentations and cost estimates. Coordinates and collaborates with other design professionals who may be retained to provide additional services, including architects and contractors.

Pia Rivera (info@violetdesignsinc.com) #914-803-2998

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