“Spare Time.” What a funny expression. You’ve read interviews where someone is asked what they do in their spare time. Who really has spare time? We’d all do pretty much anything for some of it! There’s even memes about it.
I have a notes section on my phone where I save things to do in my “spare time.” I write down a book title that I should go on Amazon and read about or a documentary someone mentions I should see. But I keep articles open in my web browser for a week, saving articles “to read later.” Here are some things that are in my open browser, that I can’t X out until I’ve read them. I thought this was a perfect time to post this list; with lots of people traveling this week, or others of us staying home catching up on doctor’s appointments with their kids, going to Rockin’ Jump to fill these days off. Here are some things you might like reading.
I love this site, Inside Hook. It’s a daily lifestyle guide for adventurous and discerning men. It’s sort of like what Maxim Magazine was to our men years ago. While it’s mostly topics for men, I love the articles. Here’s one about a cool spa-like, mountain getaway in Upstate NY. http://www.insidehook.com/new-york/the-4-hour-rule-the-brampton
An education/parenting article titled, Math Attitude Influences Math Achievement caught my eye this week too.

The teacher in me has always had an issue with a parent who dismisses their child’s abilities in math based on genetics. Moms are most guilty of this more than dads. The danger is that it gives kids permission to “give up” and become helpless in the learning process. They learn from their most trusted adult that it’s OK to stop trying. https://www.sciencenewsforstudents.org/blog/eureka-lab/math-attitude-influences-math-achievement
A friend shared a site called fifi + hop travel and adventure with kids with me this week and it’s filled with travel and day trip ideas for kidsand families. I’m always searching for quality experiences in NY, the US and beyond. I could read every article on this site and plan to when I have some “spare time.” (https://fifiandhop.com/)
The article us moms at home this week might find most useful for the week ahead is this one! https://fifiandhop.com/2016/12/28/top-nyc-suburban-family-friendly-museums/#3222803294-tw#1487262145587
If you’re looking for things to do with the kids during this upcoming week, Mommy Poppins Westchester always has some good suggestions. It’s filled with lots of good suggestions for #momslikeus! People always say, “You always know what’s going on.” I tell them, “Actually, I don’t. I go online and search just like you do! https://mommypoppins.com/westchester
OK- Two more articles to go. Both are found on a blog called My Purse Strings.
One is about using the Peloton bike and the other is a list of suggested children’s books to teach tolerance and kindness. Both of these articles are ones that have been picked up by some other larger blogs as of recently. This blog is written by a super blogger located right here in Westchester. Topics are varied, from fitness to technology to saving money and challenges to keep sane while being a mother! Her summer keep-the-kids-busy-challenge stressed me out as I read it each day and wondered what she was doing with her kids next. It can be found under 30 Day Challenge and it let’s you see the kind of mom that she is.