Every Friday night, I look over the topics that we’ve posted to go out in our e-blast on Saturday morning and I notice that I didn’t touch on every single category (eat, shop, play.) In an ideal world, I would post 3 times each week, once in each category. Even better, Monday would be eat, Wednesday would be shop and Friday would be play. But that wouldn’t be authentic and what’s happening in the moment. I love rules and structure, but I also love being real and genuine, sharing what I love the most each and every week.
In recent weeks, we’ve had many posts on eat and shop (possibly too many shop…I know!) so my goal for this week was to make sure I found something enriching, educational, entertaining, something that would fall into the “play” category. Play can mean lots of things….from culture, to travel, to outdoors, to literature/music, to something for the kids/family. This is a “play” post to make up for the other weeks when we didn’t have enough play info for you. It’s for women, for girls nights, for date nights or for the whole family.
There are so many great suggestions on Thought Gallery NYC. One of my favorite weekly newsletters and filled with incredible events for everyone. Truly an event for every day of the month, so decided to share this weekend so you can plan ahead in the month of March. I’ve shared a few of my favorite from the March calendar.

These are just a few….. the ones I have added to my family’s personal March calendar. I hope you find something “smart” to do this month and every month after. 🙂