Village Computer Shop

Erin recently introduced me to a new retail store called the Village Computer Shop located in the Scarsdale Village and I’ve been meaning to write a blog post about them, however I’ve been out of pocket as my day job has consumed so much of my life these past few months.  Luckily, I have an amazing supportive partner in Erin that she’s been holding down the fort and manning all things Emma Westchester solo longer than I would’ve liked.

Not as splashy or in the news as often as the AT&T and Time Warner merger, however the telecom company that I work for was acquired by a much larger company last year in a $30B merger and now I’m one of 50K employees.  I’ve been “keeping my head above water”, “drinking from a fire hose”, and trying to navigate the changes in my work environment while still trying to meet and exceed expectations of my clients, my colleagues and my new boss.

What has allowed me to cope and survive these past few months?  The ability to work from home when needed, though telecommuting brings on it’s own sort of challenges.  No longer do I have a local IT resource to help me re-set my computer and troubleshoot the many gremlins that can cause havoc in a work day when not connected to a server, which brings me full circle to the Village Computer Shop and why I choose to highlight this company as my first blog post in 2018.

The unassuming retail storefront is likely to be missed but the services offered by the owner, Miles Spisiak at the Village Computer Shop are simply AMAZING! I live in a very connected world where at any given time Korben is downstairs playing x-box with his friends, I’m working in my home office on my PC likely on a video conference and Frank is streaming a German show on our Mac upstairs – phew, that’s a lot of internet being used.  It’s not about having enough bandwidth coming into the house, if the home network is not set-up correctly.  Bandwidth + Proper WiFi Set-Up = Happy Connected Family.  Looking forward to my home consult with Miles and getting our home network optimized.

Services I wanted to highlight and what first had me interested in checking out more about the Village Computer Shop.  

Home Diagnostics & Consultation:  Walk through the house, identify problem areas or issues (WiFi dead spots) and provide recommendations.

  • $199 Home Networking Consult and Set-Up/Re-Configure Existing System up to 10 Devices
  • $330 3-Point WiFi Mesh System (up to 2200 square foot) – Installation of NetGear and Google WiFi

In-Store Consultation:  Catch up with the technology…repair, explain and educate.

  • $89.95 Simple Back-up (more complex rebuilding can go up to $359)
  • $139 Clean-up, Update, Optimize

Unique Custom Solutions:  You have a need, the Village Computer Shop may have the solution with custom design, support and building of your computer system.

Additional services (note that at this time, services are only offered on computers, no tablets iPhones or mobile devices) offered by the Village Computer Shop

Stop by the Village Computer Shop located at 17 Boniface Circle – Scarsdale, NY 10583 (914-575-4900) speak with the owner, Miles Spisiak to set-up a home consult and get you and your family’s home network and devices updated and optimized.
