Westchester Woman Wednesday: Meet Colette Lopane

I had three criteria in mind for the “Westchester Woman Wednesday” article this month.  I wanted to choose someone that was a mom (since it’s Mother’s Day month…and if I had my act together, I would have posted this sooner.)  I also wanted someone who was doing COVID-related work right now.  When I realized that it was Mental Health Awareness Month, it came to me.  Colette Lopane fits all three; not only doing all three jobs but doing them all relatively well.

It’s safe to say that most of us feel like we are not doing our best right now.  Everyone is struggling in one way or another.  Even those that are healthy (without the virus) are struggling emotionally.  We’re worried about the health and safety of our family, friends, co-workers and neighbors.  We read and watch the news excessively.  We’re trying to keep our kids educated via a screen, happy enough & social enough.   We are worried about everything from grocery shopping to summer plans.

Anyway–  Colette Lopane is one that’s healthy, juggling work life and mom life during this national health crisis. (She has an infant!)  She’s seeing her regular patients virtually and picking up new ones each week as circumstances are changing and worsening for so many.  On her “off-time” she’s working with first responders (and spouses of first responders) who are struggling as they are witnessing the worst events imaginable each and every day.

Besides all of this, her book came out this month…..You can find it on Amazon by following this link: https://bit.ly/colettebook


I’ve asked Colette to share with all of us exactly what she does, because I couldn’t keep up!    See below.   (Her text is in bold print.)



Hey Guys,

Colette here, an entrepreneur, a proud psychotherapist at New Day Vitality MHC PLLC, author, tv host, fur mom, mom to my baby boy Sky and lover of life and advocate for all, mama warrior.

During these tough times, I want each and everyone to know that I see you, and I’m here for you. Seriously you are not alone. To all my mamas, you guys are warriors, working your booty’s off to do it all, and in my eyes, you guys are the heroes. I specialize in working with moms and empowering mamas, as a mom myself I know what you endure, and you keep it all together each day. You are the heroes, you are my tribe and I’m here for each of you; for extra support, being part of your journey is my honor and sacred.  If you are seeking support, your mental health matters to my practice and me.

I am a psychotherapist with group practices in Larchmont and Bronx NY. I am a hometown kind of girl, having attended Iona College for undergraduate and graduate school.  I am honored to be doing the authentic work I get to do each and every day.

How to reach Colette:


[email protected]


or follow on social media or podcast if you want to just want to hear what she’s talking about!   

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