Virtual Kids Fitness Training with Enduro Youth

What perfect timing for a guest blogger; the start of a new school year where kids might not be as active as in years past.  Or worse, their sports programs are not running due to state regulations.  Or that they need more athletic training or cross-training for their sport of choice.  Fitness training is a topic that keeps popping up on the moms pages.  I was glad to discover Coach Drap, who is starting up Enduro Youth for any and all athletes and doing it virtually. She was eager to guest blog for me because she’s athletic, passionate and a truly incredible writer who has contributed to a lot of fitness magazines and websites.   
Here’s what Enduro Youth is about and what Coach Drap has to say:
Do you have youth athletes that need a COVID safe fitness program this fall/winter? Enduro Youth is a fitness program for those athletes lead by Cait Swetts-Drap, a mother of two, a competitive endurance athlete, and a certified youth coach for over 8 years. This is not your typical program because it focuses on FUNCTIONAL TRAINING first!! This helps our growing athletes build endurance and avoid burnout.  Most importantly, our program helps prevent overuse injury, which occurs from too much sport specificity.   We emphasize functional strength and proper technique, all in a safe environment.

Our mission is to build and help maintain a strong, healthy, and enduring youth athlete.  

Functional training must come before sport specificity! 

We recognize the need for basic fitness fundamentals in the lives of today’s children.  Sporting programs and camps are becoming too specific to a sport, which creates early burnout and injury in our young athletes. Our program uses body weight and gravity as the primary forms of equipment, which help with balance, power development, and proprioception. Athletic and non-athletic children can and will benefit from this program, which is diverse and safe enough for each child to progress at his/her own pace to build fitness and self-confidence.   

At Enduro Youth, we seek to motivate our participants to embrace this lifestyle and learn to reap the benefits, all in a safe, structured, and easily accessible environment.  We care and respect the safety of our children especially with COVID-19 still at the forefront of our lives.  Our Zoom classes are virtual and can be done anywhere, our camps keep sizes low and our individualized training programs are catered to a child’s specific goals and needs.  ALL of our classes, programs, and camps are run by CERTIFIED COACHES with an extensive background in competitive endurance sports at an elite level. 

The schedule for virtual classes can be found here

Learn more about the founder, who is a Westchester mom, here:
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